Mollino: The Man Behind the Namesake

Mollino: The Man Behind the Namesake


Everything is permissible as long as it is fantastic’

                                                                                    (Carlo Mollino, 1905-1973) 


Enigmatic, erotomanic, dangerous. These are just a few of the words architectural history has bestowed upon the late, great, and outrageous, Carlo Mollino. 
Born in Turin, Mollino’s mark as one of the greatest architects and designers of the 20th century can be felt all around the city. From the Teatro Regio to the Camera di Commercio building, his flair for angularity and interest in surrealism were evident in the majority of his constructions; their “organic” shapes and exteriors contrasting with the historical surroundings. 
Carlo Mollino Home Lago Nero Sled Station, Sauze d'Oulx, 1946   (Mollino's Lago Nero Sled Station, Sauze d'Oulx, 1946)

However, Mollino was not a man to be pigeonholed. Flamboyant in his array of interests, he abandoned architecture for a portion of his life to invest time in automobile design, stunt piloting, and an extensive catalogue of nude photography. A fascinating figure, Carlo Mollino remained mystifying throughout his lifetime – with an undeniable creativity to challenge the status quo.

Hence, Mollino is the namesake behind the Jacques Marie Mage Molino frame. Cemented in its place within the JMM arsenal, the decisive rectangular shape emulates the acclaimed Italian’s panache for angularity & balance, the impeccable construction and subtle bevel detailing bringing forth the sensuality Mollino weaved through all his work.


“Only when a work is not explainable other than in terms of itself can we say that we are in the presence of art.”


JMM Molino & Molino 55 available online & in-store

Jacques Marie Mage

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